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  • Please put your website URL here. If you have multiple sites and want the submitted changes to apply to these sites as well. please press the + button and add these additional sites.
  • This email address will be used for communication with us directly.
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    Max. file size: 4 MB.
    • Team Page

    • Weight loss related testimonials appearing on your website are subject to policy guidelines detailed in the Ideal Protein Advertising and Promotional Materials Policy (see client library). If you choose to promote your website online using the Google AdWords platform, your testimonials will also be subject to Google’s AdWords policies. In order to further comply with those policies, testimonials which mention specific weight loss results - ie: “I lost 30 pounds in 4 weeks” - can not appear on websites being promoted on the Google AdWords platform. Therefore, testimonials for websites being promoted on the Google AdWords platform should be drafted in a way to exclude specific results – i.e: “I achieved my weight loss goals in 4 weeks”. If after submission of such testimonials, Ideal Protein believes that they do not comply with the AdWords policies, Ideal Protein reserves the right to remove statements that could compromise your website and lead to suspension of your website promotions campaign. Lastly, it is recommended to limit dieter testimonials to a maximum of 5.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 4 MB.

      • Testimonials

      • **Weight loss related testimonials appearing on your website are subject to policy guidelines detailed in the Ideal Protein Advertising and Promotional Materials Policy (see client library). If you choose to promote your website online using the Google AdWords platform, your testimonials will also be subject to Google’s AdWords policies. In order to further comply with those policies, testimonials which mention specific weight loss results - ie: “I lost 30 pounds in 4 weeks” - can not appear on websites being promoted on the Google AdWords platform. Therefore, testimonials for websites being promoted on the Google AdWords platform should be drafted in a way to exclude specific results – i.e: “I achieved my weight loss goals in 4 weeks”. If after submission of such testimonials, Ideal Protein believes that they do not comply with the AdWords policies, Ideal Protein reserves the right to remove statements that could compromise your website and lead to suspension of your website promotions campaign. Lastly, it is recommended to limit dieter testimonials to a maximum of 5.
      • Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 4 MB.

        • Our Clinic

        • Drop files here or
          Max. file size: 4 MB.

          • Services

          • Drop files here or
            Max. file size: 4 MB.

            • Social Media

            • Contact Us Page

              Please only fill out the below section if you would like that information changed / updated. If you do not need anything changed on your contact page, please skip this section.
            • Other

            • Drop files here or
              Max. file size: 4 MB.